current goals
  • Like us on Facebook:
  • "Station" is out - so help us create a buzz about it! Tell your friends about the new Velmas CD, and send them to our Myspace page to check out the new tunes. Post good reviews on the Station page on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, etc.
  • Add The Velmas on Myspace! We're up there at, so come leave us comments, and rate our songs. Add Velmas songs to your profile!
  • Request TELL HER I LOVE HER on XM Radio. The Velmas were in the top 10 played songs recently on XM Channel 52. So please send a nice email to them, and ask them to play TELL HER I LOVE HER by The Velmas!
  • Download, and play a ton of music by The Velmas. keeps track of the songs you play on your computer or iPod, and if you play a lot of Velmas music, we'll show up in their charts.

    And as always...

  • Ask friends to sign up for our email list.
  • Post links to anywhere and everywhere online. Visit other bands' message boards, email your friends about it, put up links on away messages or your profile on instant messenger, etc.
  • We can use some reviews! Our CDs are up on a bunch of places on the web, including iTunes,, and, and more reviews is always better! So please take a minute and write up a nice short review? Tell the world why they should listen to The Velmas. Post in the Team forum to let everyone know when you get one listed, too.
  • When someone asks you what bands you like, mention The Velmas!
  • Keep in touch! Post on the message board now and then, see what other Teamers are up to.
what is the street team?
The Velmas Street Team

Want to help The Velmas get our name and music out to everyone? Then join our Street Team!

Looking for a good excuse to talk to hot (chicks/dudes)? Join The Velmas Street Team today!

We need your help in telling everyone you know about The Velmas. We ask you, our fans, to help us by:

  • talking about The Velmas Everywhere and Anywhere on the internet. Put up links to us in your IM profiles, on your Myspace, Facebook, put us in your signature on message boards, etc. Send people to or to check out our music.
  • handing out flyers, stickers, and other stuff at concerts/shows you go to in your area. You can hand them out in person, or hang them up in places where music fans go. (Music Stores, CD Stores, concert venues, college campus centers, high schools, bulletin boards, Tattoo shops, "Alternative" stores, etc.)
  • writing reviews of our CD or live shows. Do you have an online 'Zine? Know anyone who is a writer for their school paper? Ask them to write about The Velmas! Please send us a copy, so we know about it and can give you credit. Everything helps, no matter how small you may think it is.
  • calling and emailing song requests to your local radio stations. If they don't have our CD, let us know how to get them one!
  • If you want to get hardcore about it, you could even sell CDs for us! If you think you could sell even 1 or 2 cds, or more, or you have any questions, email us.

In exchange, we'll hook you up with some Velmas goodies like CDs, shirts, stickers, free music, and other things that we might think of down the road. And you'll get an Official Velmas Street Team pin! You can't beat that!!

You don't need to sign up to help out! Anyone can hand out our flyers or request us on the radio. But if you do sign up, we'll be able to send you some cool stuff.

If you send us pictures of you doing something Street Team-y, we'll post it up on our site for the world to see!

join the team!
First Name:
Last Name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Zip Code:
I would like to help sell CDs: Yes, please. (It's really easy and you can make some cash or get cool prizes!)
Email Address:
Email again, for verification:
How You Heard About The Velmas: